
Before you begin to surf this section remember two things. One is obviously the rede, while An Aisling does not entangle with Dark magick, there are always graying areas as not evrything is two-toned. After all, one of the core beleifs of wicca is that no one person is wholly good, or wholly evil, and thus, no magick can be either. This is why magick is never to be taken lightly and not done for petty mundane reasons, (despite the fact there are spells for such things) if at all.

Bright Blessings


Recommended Reading - The Laws Of Magick and The Theorems Of Magick


Coven Willpower Spell

Fire Protection Spell


Dedicated to the Goddess & God. Aphrodite, Morrigan, Ma'at, Kali, Freya, Sekhmet, Bast, Rhiannon, Arianhod, Cerridwen, Isis, Bride, Bast, Vesta, Gaia, Tara, Nuit, Ceres, Selene, Astarte, Ishtar, Lillith, Diana, Hekate, Demeter, Innana, Osiris, Anubis (Anup), Shiva, Pan, The Horned One, Dionysis, Ganesha, Janus, Odin, Woden, Gwyn ap Neith, and all the many others!